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Free learning support for children and parents / 無料学習支援 Vol.44

Free learning support for children and parents / 無料学習支援 Vol.44
Good day!
Today, we held our classes both on online and in person😊
・Participants (さんかしゃ)
 -In person(たいめん)
・Activities (かつどうないよう)
 -In person
・Details (しょうさい)
 -In person
・Next class(じかいのしえん)
# Online
 1 Vietnamese with 2 supporters
# In person
 1 Malaysian family (2 kids and their father)
 with 3 supporters
# Online
 Free talk about…(フリートーク)
  -Workplace (しごとば)
  -Happy memory with his friend
  -Vietnam and Japan(ベトナムとにほん)
  -Kagoshima’s dialect (かごしまべん)
  -Places where he wants to visit
  -Learning Japanese(にほんごがくしゅう)
# In person
 👧1st grade(いちねんせい)
  -Practicing Hiragana(ひらがなのれんしゅう)
  -Read aloud(おんどく)
  -Online word game(ネットでことばあそび)
 👧2nd grade(にねんせい)
  -Read aloud(おんどく)
  -Practicing Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji
  -Arithmetic (Calculation)(けいさんもんだい)
 👨Their father(おとうさま)
  -Japanese words related to furniture
  -Adjective (けいようし)
  -How to write an email(メールのかきかた)
# Online
You can buy plenty of fruits with cheaper price in 🇻🇳, but the thing is national holidays are less than 🇯🇵, he said.
🗾Kagoshima’s dialect
He learned about it with facial expressions and examples in real life. I will put words which he’ve learned below. I don’t understand almost all of that words though; I will not put translation for it because I don’know😂 If you have an interest, just search on the google.
# In person
What we found out today is two girls are crazy on unicorns now🦄
Anyway, they were working on their homework for summer vacation 🏖
The deadline is coming, so we tried hard to keep their concentration. Although it was difficult for us, we make sure that they could be close to the end of their homework😊
【Next class】⚠️Online only(オンラインのみ)⚠️
8/21 10-12 Zoom meeting↓↓
Let’s meet up next Saturday on online without any hesitation!
Posted by Himeno
とうこうしゃ ひめの