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Free learning support for children and parents / 無料学習支援 Vol.36

Free learning support for children and parents / 無料学習支援 Vol.36
Good evening everyone
The day before yesterday, there were 3 participants from Malaysia. And 4 volunteers tried to support them.
Activity Content
@International Friendship Center Kagoshima
1st Grade kid
→Hiragana and Mathematics
・Watch Youtube (Super Jojo Japanese version)
2nd Grade kid
→Kanji and Mathematics
・Read Japanese language book and picture book
・Watch Youtube (SuperJojo Japanese version)
・Homework for another Japanese online class
 →Counter suffix and conversation practice
The father not remember all of the Hiragana and Katana, so he did his homework while looking at Hiragana and Katakana table. But, he memorise Hiragana and Katakana more compare to last week. He is improving but he needs time.
The second grade kid finished her homework very quick, so she practiced reading.
2年生(ねんせい)の小学生(しょうがくせい)が 早(はや)く宿題(しゅくだい)を終(お)わらして、音読(おんどく)の練習(れんしゅう)をしました。
The first grade kid did her mathematics homework using mathematics block. But, she did not finished her homework. She cannot focused because her older sister already finished her homework very quick.Next class, one of the volunteer suggest that on first 20 or 30 minutes, let they do their homework in different rooms or separate them into different places in the same room to make sure that she could stay focus.
Last 15 minutes of the class, the kids watched Kids Youtube channel called Super Jojo and sang along the songs. I think that this way is good for them because it is important to know what is viral among the Japanese kids now.
At the end of class, we sang a birthday song in Malay to the second grade kid. Happy Birthday to you from all the staffs!
📚 Next class
6/19(Sat) 10-12
@International Friendship Center Kagoshima
6/19(どようび) 10-12
Posted by Nazif
投稿者(とうこうしゃ) ナジフ