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外国人児童生徒への学習支援 【第16回】

外国人児童生徒への学習支援 【第16回】
Good evening everyone!
We hold free learning support,today.It’s 16times.
Two people from Bangladesh participated today. I am grateful that the staff gathered in the small number of people because it overlapped with other events.
【Today’s contents/今日の内容】
1st grade and 2nd grade in elementary school.
(1)Home work abot math.Complicated math story problem./算数の宿題で複雑な文章問題
Today's writing problem was about multiplication. She didn't remember the multiplication table perfectly yet, so instead of just teaching the answer, I read the multiplication table for each question and found the answer together. The smile at the moment she found the answer and the serious face when thinking were very nice.
(2)「otegami」of textbook.And 「syugo,jyutugo」it means 「Subject and predicate」
She was able to read the feelings of Frog and Gama properly. I heard that you are learning by properly grasping the characteristics of the subject and predicate.
(4)The grope of words and kanji./仲間の言葉と漢字
(5)Comparing of cars/自転車比べ
(6) multiplication/掛け算
(7) Reading textbook. 「Please get in touch with us.」/教科書音読。「相談に乗ってください。」
She was able to read it aloud very loudly!
(8)Playing for origami./折り紙をして遊びました。
They was interested in a thousand paper cranes and was with them. Both of them made cute cranes well.
(9) Coloring/塗り絵をしました。
(10) I made a maze with blocks./ブロックで迷路を作りました。
I tried to make a maze with big blocks and play, but I didn't have time and decided to make a maze next time. I'm glad they both liked the maze.
Today,we also had a very good time. I hope to see them again.Thank you!!
Posted by Saki.