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Free learning support for children and parents vol.27 無料学習支援vol.27

Free learning support for children and parents vol.27 無料学習支援vol.27
Free learning support for children and parents vol.27
みなさん、こんにちは😃Hello, everyone‼︎
Today, 2children and these parent participated‼︎ And 2supporters supported them‼︎
Today's contents are about 4 activities.
(1)Supported preschooler's study.
(2)Supported homework.
(3)Supported how to say the date by Japanese.(for parent)
(4)Free learning and play.
(1)Supported preschooler's study.
・the trace writing about Japanese words.She wrote while pronouncing very well‼︎
・Line connection between pictures and words.It was a little difficult for her, but she looked fun😂絵と単語の線結び。少し難しいように感じましたが、楽しそうに単語を勉強していました!😂
・practiced writing her own name by HIRAGANA.自分の名前をひらがなで書く練習。
・playing ORIGAMI.She made the shape of heart by using very beautiful pattern ORIGAMI.折り紙で遊ぶ。綺麗な柄の折り紙を使ってハートを作ってました💕
(2)Supported homework.
・Double digit subtraction.She learned Column addition . Surprisingly, she could understand very soon!!😳 I was really surprised at her ability of Comprehension.2桁の引き算。筆算を勉強しました!驚くことに、初めて習ったとは思えないくらい早く理解していました!その速さに本当にびっくりしました😳
・Study contracted sound and Voiced sound.
(3)Supported how to say the date by Japanese.The difficult saying, for example, tsuitati, shigatsu, and so on. He a bit confused and supporters felt difficult to teach why different saying. However, his attitude to study was very grate!!✨
(4)Free learning and play.
・Using white bord and word magnet. Talking abou variety of topics.( hometown, cartoons, about Malaysia)
Today, supporters are only 2peoples. We couldn't enough support. But, everyone enjoyed today's class!!😁We hope to see next class again‼︎
Next, 20th March at Kamoike Fukushikan.
posted by Saki MIYAWAKI.