ホーム > 活動blog > 2021年1月 > 【ランドセルボランティア】[School bag volunteer]

【ランドセルボランティア】[School bag volunteer]

【ランドセルボランティア】[School bag volunteer]

〜School bag volunteer〜

Today's volunteers were preparing to ship. We have prepared to ship this school bag to 17 prefectures + Vietnam for a total of 83. These school bags will be shipped tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Six volunteer staff from two countries, Japan and the Philippines, participated in the volunteer activities. The cardboard used for shipping was provided by Mr. Kurita. thank you very much.
The next volunteer will be in February. Why don't you volunteer to make children smile together?
If you want a school bag, please contact Hibiki's FB. We ship to an address in Japan.
Kyoko MUTA